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How To Save Translation Costs Issue 3

Express Translation Suggests Alignment of Marketing Strategies to Reduce Translation Costs
Translation costs can be minimized significantly when a business aligns its marketing strategies with its translation needs, according to the Singapore based translation service provider, Express Translation.

PRWEB, 23th Feb, 2015 - The team at Express Translation, a Singapore based language service provider, believes that companies can reduce the translation costs by aligning their marketing strategies with the translation requirements. To survive in this competitive world, businesses have a need to reach out to as many customers as they can. And sometimes, this means they have to go beyond boundaries and target audience in foreign countries.

To get the right message to the audience in an appropriate and meaningful way, a business should consider hiring a translation service. However, that comes at a cost, one that small and mid-sized businesses may not be able to afford. Does that mean the company has to forego the opportunity to try new markets? Not necessarily.

Express Translation Pte Ltd suggests that businesses can minimize their translation costs by developing marketing strategies that are cost-effective. One way to do this is to design an ad copy with fewer, but impactful words that can be easily translated into multiple languages. Another strategy is to develop copies with universal symbols that have the same meaning everywhere.

For example, a number of European countries have the same standard and use the symbols approved by the International Organization for Standardization, which convey the same message everywhere, eliminating the need for translation. Replacing text with meaningful images or infographics that deliver the message exactly as it should be is another excellent way to minimize translation costs, according to Mr Xu, the spokesperson of Express Translation.

For businesses targeting audiences in different countries that speak the same language, a single ad copy in one language helps in minimizing translation costs. For example, if a business caters to customers in the Middle East and Africa where Arabic is fluently spoken, then a single translated ad copy in Arabic is all it needs to market its product across the region.

According to Mr Xu, translation costs also tend to shoot up due to last minute changes and correction of errors. Early review of the translated copy will eliminate the need for corrections on a large scale and bring down the costs significantly.


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